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Go Green Tools - Planning

Taking your business, college or institution from brown (lots of emissions) to green (net-zero emissions) requires careful planning. There are many variables to consider from private and public funding, abiding by legislation, to calculating your current emissions.


Not to worry, we have the tools to help you build an effective plan. Browse the resources below and
don’t hesitate to get in touch if there is anything you want to talk through further. We’re experts in low-carbon planning and can help you make good use of all of the tools available to you.

We're adding tools here all of the time as we think of useful content to share, so keep coming back when you need some guidance.

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Join the UN in addressing the climate emergency. Learn more about The UN Sustainable Development Goals and how they can help us to tackle the climate challenge.

Old Globe

An international initiative (part of The UN Sustainable Development Goals) which allows the education sector to demonstrate its commitment to and share best practice on sustainability.

Green Finance Guide

Image by Micheile Henderson

Concerned about budget when it comes to making environmental changes? Let us help. In this guide, we explain Green Finance and how public and private funding options can help you to afford and benefit economically from a low-carbon plan. 


We talk you through the various types of grant and investor options, how to prepare an application, and secure investment.


Green Buildings

A guide to two standards, commonly used in low-carbon transitions. We'll tell you what they mean, why they are of benefit to organisations, how you can adopt them, and the support available to do so. 

Consider this tool a handbook which demonstrates how ISO 14001 & ISO 50001 can help you to implement an effective environmental management system.

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We talked to EAUC to explain why it’s a common misconception that decarbonisation (‘going green’) is costly and how you can overcome budget barriers using the Hillside Environmental approach to net-zero pathways. 

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A podcast featuring Tilly Jarvis, from Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK), Dr Roddy Yarr from University of Strathclyde and our founder, Russell Burton, discussing the COP26 goal: adapting to protect communities and natural habitats. 

Russell Burton (Hillside Environmental Services) is joined by Dr Alex Ryan (University of Gloucestershire) to discuss how higher and further education links to the climate, the Green Gown Awards, and sustainability reporting in institutions.

Image by Jason Abdilla

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